A warm welcome to the 1st NanoMed North Focus Seminar. A unique event and platform designed to support networking, communication and the distinctive area of Nanomedicine


Nanomedicine – Technology diversity – Market similarities


The Royal Swedish Academy of Engineering Sciences, IVA konferens, Grev Turegatan 16, Stockholm, see www.ivaskonferens.se


Please register before Thursday April 24. You find the form at the bottom of the page.


NanoMed North members and potential members are most welcome. Free of charge membership can be obtained during the meeting!


NanoMed North members are welcome to present their areas of research and/or business (achievements-challenges-future). You are kindly encouraged to apply for a 15 minutes speaker-slot when registering. We will have room for around 10 presentations. European Technology Platform Nanomedicine (ETPN) will introduce the meeting.


The symposium is free of charge, including coffee, lunch etc.
Cancellation after April 30 will be charged a “no-show”-fee of 500 SEK.


Will be sent out at least two weeks in prior to the meeting.


The day before, Thursday May 15, SwedNanoTech is arranging their annual Nanoforum at the same venue. Please visit www.swednanotech.com. An excellent opportunity for a perfect 2-day nano-combo experience in beautiful Stockholm.

Sorry, registration is now closed

Welcome to an exciting meeting!

[highlight type=”light”]Deadline for contribution, April 07th![/highlight]

Welcome, a unique opportunity to contribute

This survey is addressed to all nanomedicine stakeholders to provide bottom-up inputs to the ongoing process of updating the 2009 ETPN Roadmaps Document towards a new Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda (SRIA), in collaboration with the EuroNanoMed Member States.

This official document addresses a large audience, even beyond Europe, and will cover all possible areas of application of nanotechnology in healthcare.

Such an agenda is of outmost importance as it describes the vision of ETPN for the future development of nanomedicine and lists all research priorities that should be implemented by the European Commission, the Member States and their funding agencies.

Your participation and expertise is hence a unique opportunity to contribute to the future European policies and the 2017-2020 workprogramms, and to shape the future nanomedicine landscape.

Expected time to complete the survey: 10 to 20 minutes, depending on the number of technological inputs provided. We are aware that this questionnaire may take some time but it is for highly strategic inputs and a long-term vision.[button size=”medium” align=”right” link=”https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/Towards_ETPN_SRIA” color=”blue”]GO TO SURVEY[/button]

All the data collected in this form will be processed internally and anonymously without any commercial use, and will solely be used for the purpose of updating ETPN strategic documents.

If you haven’t yet read this interview, we would like to share it here!

Nanosuspensions and a Novel Synthesis of Solid Drug Nanoparticle Formulations

An interview with Dr. Andrew Owen

I’m delighted to announce that the British Society for Nanomedicine (BSNM) is collaborating with SELECTBIO to present Nanomedicine 2014 in Edinburgh, Scotland from 26-27 March.

Nanomedicine 2014’s diverse programme will provide insight across a number of emerging nanotechnologies that span from treatment to diagnosis. The programme includes the use of solid drug nanosuspensions for improving oral bioavailability and for sustained release formulations, recent developments in targeting nanoparticles through the use of aptamers conjugated to their surface and progress in siRNA delivery as well as cell and particle imaging.

The Conference Chair is Dr. Andrew Owen, Professor of Pharmacology for the University of Liverpool and Chair of the British Society for Nanomedicine. In today’s blog, Dr. Owen discusses the conference, the technology and his presentation.

SELECTBIO: Your presentation at Nanomedicine 2014 is titled “Improved Oral Delivery of Antiretroviral Drugs Via a Novel Synthesis of Solid Drug Nanoparticle Formulations”. Can you give us a prelude to what you’ll discuss?

OWEN: Solid drug nanoparticles have been produced commercially using technologies such as milling where large fragments of crystallised drug are ground into particles with diameters measurable in nanometers. This approach has been shown to overcome bioavailability issues for some poorly absorbed and insoluble drugs but does have some limitations because it is not compatible with drugs that have certain physiochemical properties. At Liverpool we have been working on a novel technology that produces solid drug nanoparticles through freeze drying or spray drying emulsions, which may be more broadly applicable across drugs. I will discuss the benefits of the approach with a specific emphasis on our antiretroviral programme.

SELECTBIO: As Chair of BSNM, what are the key goals the organisation has with regard to nanomedicine?

OWEN: The British Society for Nanomedicine is a registered charity (Charity number 1151497) and our mission includes the direct explanation of ongoing science and commercial developments to allow the public to understand and stay in touch with this exciting area as it impacts future global healthcare. We are also actively engaged in organising research-based meetings so that scientists can present their latest advances and highlight their work to industry, clinicians and other researchers. More details about the society can be found on our website at www.BritishSocietyNanomedicine.org

SELECTBIO: What do you feel are the current challenges in nanomedicine?

OWEN: The term nanomedicine refers to a spectrum of very different technologies that are deployed across diagnostics, therapy and regenerative medicine. While some of these technologies are in their infancy, others have already proved successful and have resulted in licensed therapies that are delivering patient benefits daily. Nanotechnology has received some bad publicity, not least through science fiction media, but it is important to emphasise the benefits it provides for the diagnosis, treatment and monitoring of disease.

SELECTBIO: What are some of the more interesting findings that have come about as a result of your investigations of solid drug nanoparticles (SDNs)?

OWEN: Our solid drug nanoparticle formulations have shown the potential for reduced doses and benefits for paediatric administration formats for antiretroviral drugs. These formulations have now undergone GMP manufacture and are in stability testing to support regulatory documentation for clinical evaluation. We are very excited by our pre-clinical data which has the potential to reduce the cost of therapy and expand the number of patients in resource-limited settings that can access therapy. Hopefully, these benefits will be confirmed in humans but we will rigorously assess this in the foreseeable future.

SELECTBIO: In your experience, how has nanomedicine research changed over the last 5-10 years and what impact has it had on research?

OWEN: Nanomedicine research continues to proliferate and this has resulted in new medicines and many therapeutic and diagnostic benefits are possible. Over the past 5-10 years there has been a large increase in the number of manuscripts describing the biological characterisation of nanomedicine candidates. There is still a strong emphasis on new material development but it is encouraging to see more pharmacologists and other life scientists engaging with the field.

SELECTBIO: What are some of the innovations you think will occur in the area of nanomedicine in the future?

OWEN: Two major global pharmaceutical companies have recently developed long-acting nanoformulations that can be administered once a month or even less frequently. In chronic diseases such as HIV this may represent a huge benefit to patients who currently need to take oral multi-drug regimens daily. Two such HIV drugs are now in later stages of development and it is important to consider development of other agents that are complimentary to these. There have also been recent developments in cancer with the first aptamer-targeted polymeric nanoparticle therapy entering phase II clinical evaluation. This is a really important area for future development since it allows specific-targeting of therapies to diseased cells or tissues within the body and has the potential to reduce off-target toxicities associated with many drugs and may therefore result in safer more tolerable medicines.

For more information about Dr Owen’s talk and to view the complete agenda, click here »

You can register to attend here »

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Nullam dictum felis eu pede mollis pretium. Integer tincidunt. Cras dapibus. Vivamus elementum semper nisi. Aenean vulputate eleifend tellus. Aenean leo ligula, porttitor eu, consequat vitae, eleifend ac, enim. Aliquam lorem ante, dapibus in, viverra quis, feugiat a, tellus.

Read more

“A map does not just chart, it unlocks and formulates meaning; it forms bridges between here and there, between disparate ideas that we did not know were previously connected.” Reif Larsen, The Selected Works of T.S. Spivet

This is an invitation – get your name on the European Nanomedicine Map

The NanoMed Map is a real instrument for any nanomedicine enthusiast to trigger new collaborations and long-term partnerships between nanomedicine actors and beyond.

Initiated by the EU project NANOMED2020, the European Nanomedicine Map provides thorough insights into the existing nanomedicine community by introducing on a single chart all the ecosystem‘s actors in Europe and beyond. This reference tool aims at increasing awareness, providing new networking opportunities, and at initiating fruitful partnerships.

A first step in the process of apprehending a discipline is to get a deeper view and understanding of the actors involved in this field.

With the European NanoMed Map, the nanomedicine community wins its own exploration tool displaying the top 1,500 European actors, including stakeholders of nanomedicine as such, research centres, academia, SMEs and industries, healthcare providers, public and funding authorities, associations, clusters and infrastructures but also actors for which, nanomedicine will be an field of growing interest in the coming years.

[button size=”medium” align=”right” link=”http://www.etp-nanomedicine.eu/public/european-nanomedicine-map” color=”red”]READ MORE, go to website[/button]

20th–22nd January 2014

On behalf of the organizing committee, we are delighted to welcome you to Caparica (Lisbon, Portugal), for the 1st International Symposium on Nanoparticles-Nanomaterials and Applications (ISN2A-2014). [button size=”medium” align=”right” link=”http://www.isn2a2014.com/” color=”blue”]Go to website[/button]
The Symposium will take place in Costa de Caparica (http://vimeo.com/4939136) the 20th, 21st and 22nd of January 2014 .

We cordially encourage you to attend and contribute to one of the major events in 2014 on the -Nano field.

We are confident that you will appreciate the breadth and quality of the scientific program and the city of Caparica, and look forward to seeing you in 2014 in Portugal.

Symposium Subjects:

Nanoparticles/Nanomaterials in Environmental Sciences
Nanoparticles/Nanomaterials in Medicine
Nanoparticles/Nanomaterials in Biology
Nanoparticles/Nanomaterials in Chemistry
Toxicology of Nanoparticles/Nanomaterials
Nanoparticles/Nanomaterials in Innovation
Computational Studies in Nanoparticles/Nanomaterials
Nanoparticles/Nanomaterials for Energy Storage

On belhalf of the scientific and organizing committees,

Carlos Lodeiro-Espiño
José-Luis Capelo-Martinez

Lab-on-a-Chip European Congress, 10–11 March 2014 • Berlin, Germany

Poster Submission Deadline – 11 February, 2014!

During the last decade, nano and micro-technology has become an important industry. It is a rapidly growing, highly interdisciplinary field at the interface of physics, engineering, chemistry and biology. The pico to nanoliter scale not only allows a high degree of parallelisation, but also offers superb control. Small objects such as cells can be exposed to unique conditions, facilitating entirely novel approaches, which will be discussed at the conference.

The 6th Lab-on-a-Chip European CongressPoster Submission Deadline – 11 February, 2014 [button size=”medium” align=”right” link=”https://selectbiosciences.com/login.aspx?redirect=/conferences/submissionform.aspx?conf=LOACEC2014&type=Poster” color=”blue”]Abstract for consideration[/button]

Nanotech Conference & Expo
June 15-19, 2014 – Washington, D.C.
Early Abstracts Due December 13th – Submit Today!

Join us in Washington D.C. as Nanotech 2014 and TechConnect World expand their communities to be the world’s largest multi-industry research-to-commercialization gathering. We are pleased to announce the inclusion of the National Innovation Summit & Showcase partnering with leading Federal Agency programs along with the Nation’s top commercially viable innovations.

[button size=”medium” link=”http://www.techconnectworld.com/Nanotech2014/” color=”gray” bgColor=”#6CC3FF” textColor=”#F4F4F4″ hoverBgColor=”#002F9A”]Go to website[/button]

1st International Conference on
Micro & Nanofluidics
Fundamentals and Applications
18-21 May 2014 University of Twente – The Netherlands

Welcome to Flow 14

Micro- and nanofluidics has considerably matured over the last 2 decades. This holds both for the fundamental understanding of the flow on a micro- and nanoscale and for the applications in industry. Various start-up companies have been founded and global players have realized the importance of the field. Applications can be found in the chip-industry, medical diagnostics, drug development and delivery, ink-jet printing, … Interestingly enough, more fundamentally oriented and more application oriented scientists in this field have stayed rather separate, generally visiting different conferences. The aim of the present 3-day international Flow14 conference is to overcome this separation and to bridge the gap between these two branches of micro- and nanofluidics.
[button size=”medium” link=”http://www.flow14conference.com/” linkTarget=”_blank” color=”blue” bgColor=”#BB002E” textColor=”#F4F4F4″ hoverBgColor=”#BB002E” hoverTextColor=”#F4F4F4″]Go to the website[/button]

Call for Abstracts Deadline: February 10, 2014

The 2014 International Conference on Nanoscience + Technology (ICN+T) will provide an international forum for discussion of the latest developments in nanoscale science and technology and recent advances in scanning probe microscopy and related techniques. The ICN+T represents the convergence of the former International Conference on Scanning Tunneling Microscopy/Spectroscopy and Related Techniques (STM) and Nano, which were first combined in Basel, Switzerland in 2006. This conference will cover a range of topics in nanoscale science and technology, addressing the interdisciplinary, international nature of this exciting and rapidly growing field.

[button size=”medium” align=”center” link=”http://campaign.r20.constantcontact.com/render?llr=eyoktrbab&v=001UIzoyTILna0RTvf_EchUXmiJMEyQNwu33b7EknCM1nw_0Yv6dmpxoaUYvM0iSrkb2xTXwCT_aPwJIq5_ihBdt6ST8TASoqaFi2y5CToqJUIuwQZhpoKMZWVDRLlqOzgnKLNDab1X4T6Y0sAOQY7YTjOSMtz3juxSlQo6itbdCtFvZMWYeOLQTyrorjl3N-esIvc9hJk8G7c%3D” color=”white” hoverTextColor=”#0056E7″]Go to the website[/button]