Important and valuable information from European Technology Platform on Nanomedicine – check it out !

Dear ETPN members, dear colleagues,

We would like to share with you two great new opportunities to find financial support in developing projects on nanomedicine in Europe, in case you’ve missed them.. We have recently published two  articles about a new tender funded by the EMA & the official publication of the European Innovation Council EIC Work Programme for 2021. In both cases, nanomedicine may be highly relevant. Therefore, we warmly encourage you to consider these new options, despite the short deadlines for applying. Indeed, they can be two very effective sources of support and opportunity for collaborations, while waiting for the publication of the upcoming calls for proposals of the Cluster Health of Horizon Europe which according to plan will be published May 26. More information below.

1) New tender funded by the EMA on quality, efficacy and safety.  

The European Medicines Agency (EMA) has launched a new tender in order to support primary research into the quality, safety and efficacy of medicines, notably including nanomedicines. The funding aims to support research on human and veterinary medicines in order to inform regulatory decision making.

  • Total budget for lot 6 on quality : 3.000.000€
  • Project duration: 4 years
  • Budget per study may be approximately €60,000 to €500,000
  • Joint proposals are permitted


2) Launch of the EIC Work Programme 2021: prepare your application!

The recent official launch of the European Innovation Council (EIC) and the publication of its Work Programme 2021 opens a new and unprecedented set of opportunities for you to get support in developing and scaling-up your breakthrough health technologies and disruptive innovations in the global framework of Horizon Europe. In this article, we provide key information to prepare your application for the first EIC Open calls and EIC Strategic Challenges in 2021, in which nanotechnologies, nanomedicine and other Advanced technologies for health are highly relevant. The ETPN will indeed support you, its member institutions and the European community of Nanomedicine in general, to play an active role in the EIC, Europe’s most ambitious innovation initiative!
Apply for the EIC Pathfinder Open before May 19!
  • FUNDING SCHEME: bottom-up approach with no predefined topics
  • GRANT : up to 3M€/ project with a rate of 100% of eligible costs (Total budget: 168M€)
  • CONSORTIA: min. 3 partners from 3 different MS/AC (of which at least 1 partner in a MS).
  • LENGTH OF PROPOSAL: 17 pages max. for Section 1-3 in part B
  • DEADLINE: May, 19, 2021 at 5PM (CET) by CLICKING HERE.

You should apply to this call if you are looking for support from EIC Pathfinder Open to realise an ambitious vision for radically new technology, with potential to create new markets and/or to address global challenges. EIC Pathfinder Open supports early stage development of such future technologies (e.g. various activities at low Technology Readiness Levels 1-4), based on high-risk/high-gain science-towards-technology breakthrough research (including ‘deep-tech’). This research must provide the foundations of the technology you are envisioning.

The ETPN Secretariat is available to bring custom support to ETPN member institutions in finding the right partners and shaping the best proposals to answer the many opportunities of the EIC Work Programme 2021.
A dedicated brokerage space for Horizon Europe calls for proposals will be made available in the coming weeks on our intranet, but please do not hesitate to contact us at any time for  requests of support. It will also be an important part of our upcoming annual event Nanomed Europe 2021, for which registration and abstract submission are just about to start! So please stay tuned!
We wish you great success in applying  for the initiatives of the European Innovation Council from 2021, marking a new era of E.C. support to innovation & notably to health technologies, as well as the tender proposed by the EMA.

With kind regards,
Alexandre Ceccaldi
General secretary of ETPN
Coordinator of the H2020 NOBEL project.