8th Nano Today Conference
Organised by the Nano Today journal and Elsevier in partnership with Materials Today, the 8th Nano Today Conference seeks to bring together researchers interested in nanoscience and nanotechnology.
Chaired by Paul S. Weiss, Californian NanoSystems Institute, UCLA, CA, USA,this international conference will present the latest research at the multidisciplinary frontier of nanostructured materials and devices.
Oral and poster abstracts are invited on the following topics. Please submit using the online abstract submission system. Abstract Submission Deadline: 11 November 2022
• Nanoscience and nanotechnology in energy and sustainability, including catalysis, blue & green energy, and remediation
• Nanomedicine, including drug delivery, devices, diagnostics, imaging, therapeutics, and vaccines
• Nano environmental health and safety
• Nanomaterials in reduced dimensions – 0D, 1D, 2D
• Nanobiomaterials and applications
• Nanophotonics and optoelectronic nanomaterials
• Nanostructure synthesis, characterization, modeling, and simulations
• Inorganic nanomaterials, including metal-organic frameworks (MOFs) and related materials
• Quantum information science, sensors, and opportunities
• Self- and directed assembly, and soft nanomaterials
• Sensors, including implantable, wearable, flexible, and brain-machine interfaces
• Young Scientist forum