EuroNanoMed III – Joint Transnational Call for Proposals (2017) for “European Innovative Research & Technological Development Projects in Nanomedicine” open.
EuroNanoMed (ENM) is an ERA-NET on Nanomedicine established since 2008 as a platform for funding agencies and ministries to coordinate research programmes with the goal of creating and funding collaborative research projects that can convert research in nanotechnology into practical gains in medicine. Through 7 successful Joint Transnational Calls launched from 2009 to 2016, EuroNanoMed has allocated about 55 Million euros to fund 60 transnational projects in nanomedicine.
Under the umbrella of EuroNanoMed III, the 8th Joint Transnational Call is now opened for funding multilateral innovative research projects on nanomedicine together with the European Commission under the ERA-NET Cofund mechanism:
- Opening of the submission web tool: 28th November 2016
- Submission deadline for pre-proposals: 16th January 2017
- Submission deadline of full proposals: 9th June 2017
- Available budget for this Call: 14 Mio€ (approx.)
Electronic submission website
Research project consortia who intend to submit a transnational proposal should register as soon as possible and from Nov 28th, at, by clicking on “to register” and following instructions. Electronic proposal submission of proposals on the indicated website is mandatory,
Contact details for the Joint Call Secretariat:
JCS is hosted by the French National Research (ANR)
Postal Address: 50 avenue Daumesnil, 75012 PARIS – France
Contact person for the Joint Call Secretariat: Amélie Vergne ; +33 (0)1 78 09 80 44
We are delighted to advise you that registration for the European Nanomedicine Meeting to be held on 3-4 April 2017 in London is now open.
• Gala Dinner 3 April, The Crypt, St Paul’s
The meeting will provide a forum for international exchange of research to facilitate translation and innovation in nanomedicine research and development. Leading experts and international stakeholders will have the opportunity to discuss opportunities and challenges in this exciting new field of medicine. The meeting will provide delegates with a pulse on the latest developments, as well as a systematic understanding of new nanomedicine paradigms across the development pathway.
This important conference is being hosted by the British Society for Nanomedicine and Society members are entitled to a discount on the conference fees. Register early and don’t miss this opportunity to participate in the second edition of the European Nanomedicine Meeting in London!
For more information and registration – Go to Website •
• VanGuards in Nanomedicine: National Research Programmes and Activities
• European Nanomedicine Characterisation Laboratory (EU-NCL)
• Fundamental Nanomedicine
• Preclinical Nanomedicine
• Translational Nanomedicine
• Future needs from Nanomedicine
First International Conference on Advances
in Bio-Materials and Their Applications
31st August – 1st September 2017
• Jury’s Inn, Croydon, UK
Biomaterials have been a growing field of interest for over half a century, spanning industries as diverse as medicine, biology, chemistry, materials science and through to engineering. Biomaterials can be used for clinical purposes, drug discovery, or to further understand tissue and organ development. Another area of concern is the biomaterial polymers market as there is a need for more research and development into biodegradable and bio-compatible polymers.
• Advanced Biomaterials
• Medical and Dental Applications
• Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine
• Polymer and Metallic Biomaterials
• Biomaterials and Nanotechnology
• Biomaterials: Synthesis, Characterization, 3D Printing, Biological Engineering
• Biomaterials for Therapeutic and Investigative Delivery
• Biodegradable Biomaterials
• Scientific Performance of Biomaterials
• Biomaterials for Implants
• Biomechanical Research
• Deadline for abstracts, 16 Jan 2017
• Notification of acceptance, 15 Feb 2017
• Submission of full papers, 30 Jun 2017
• Registration closes, 1 Aug 2017
8th Welcome to BioNanoMed 2017 • International Congress • Nanotechnology in Biology and Medicine< • 20 – 22 March 2017, Krems / Austria
Dear Madam, dear Sir!
We are pleased to announce the 8th International Congress BioNanoMed 2017 – Nanotechnology enables Personalized Medicine which will be held on 20 – 22 March 2017 at the Danube University in Krems / Austria.
In addition to prominent invited speakers a limited number of talks and poster presentations can be accepted. You are cordially invited to submit your abstract!
– Advanced Nanomaterials for Biomedical Applications
– Regenerative Nanomedicine – Nanotechnology and Stem Cells
– Nanotechnology for Detection, Diagnosis, Imaging & Sensing
– NanoPharmaceuticals – an Emerging Era (co-organized by Swiss Academy of Pharmaceutical Sciences – SAPhS)
– Nanotherapy – a promising step to Personalized Nanomedicine
– Clinical Applications of Nanomedicine: Unmet Needs, Challenges, Success Stories & Failures in Clinical Trials
Thematic Sessions
– Brain Targeting and Neurological Nanotherapeutics
– NanoSafety Implementation in Nanomedicine (co-organized by EURO-NanoTox and Nanomedicine Austria)
Danube University Poster Awards 2017 are granted to the three best poster contributions (€ 400 for the first, € 300 for the second and € 200 for the third place)
BioNanoMed 2017 serves as an excellent platform to present your company/institution, to promote your product portfolio and to establish direct links to a broad audience of experts. By becoming an exhibitor or sponsor you will make a great contribution to support the BioNanoMed 2017 congress.
Deadline for oral abstracts: 15 December 2016
Deadline for poster abstracts: 1 March 2017
End of early registration: 26 January 2017
End of online registration: 17 March2017
Please turn to www.bionanomed for all information regarding the BioNanoMed 2017!
If you require further information do not hesitate to contact our conference office at
We are looking forward to your contribution!
Kind regards,
your BioNanoMed 2017 Organizing Team
Mit freundlichen Grüßen / Kind regards
Margit Malatschnig
Project Management BioNanoMed 2017
Techkonnex – High-Tech Promotion
Auhofstraße 70/5
A-1130 Vienna
Phone: +43 699 19215844
Web: <> <>
DRA Symposium 23 September 2016 9:00 – 18:00
Copenhagen Nanomedicine Day 2016
University of Copenhagen, Faculty of Health and Medical
Sciences, PharmaSchool, 2100 Copenhagen Ø
• Morning: Universitetsparken 1, Auditorium Lille UP1
• Lunch and Afternoon: Universitetsparken 2, Auditorium 3
Continue to website, click here
09:00 Welcome to the Nanomedicine Day
Flemming Madsen, Head, Department of Pharmacy, SUND, UCPH
• 09:10 Talk #1: What is Nanomedicine?
Urs Häfeli, Lundbeck Joint Prof, Department of Pharmacy, UCPH &
Faculty of Pharm Sciences, University of British Columbia (UBC), Vancouver, Canada
• 09:30 Talk #2: Mucus as a Barrier to Nanomedicine
Hanne Mørck Nielsen, Prof, Biologics, Department of Pharmacy, SUND, UCPH
• 10:00 Talk #3: High Aspect Ratio Nanostructures for Cellular
Karen Martinez, Assoc Prof, Nano-Science Center & Department of Chemistry, UCPH
•10:30 Coffee Break
• 10:45 Talk #4: Soft Drug Nanocarriers Based on Cubosomes and
Anan Yaghmur, Assoc Prof, Pharm Design & Drug Delivery, SUND,
• 11:15 Talk #5: Synthetic Delivery Systems for Therapeutic
Enrico Mastrobattista, Assoc Prof, Pharmaceutics, University of Utrecht, The Netherlands
• 12:10 Lunch / Poster Setup
•13:10 Introduction to UBC’s Faculty of Pharmacy Research Focus
Mike Coughtrie, Dean, Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, UBC,
Vancouver, Canada
•13:25 Talk #6: Microfluidic Production of Amorphous
Esther Amstad, Assist Prof, Soft Materials Laboratory, Federal
Institute of Technology Lausanne (EPFL), Switzerland
•14:20 Coffee Break
14:35 Talk #7: Potential Applications of Light Robotics in Nanomedicine
Jesper Glückstad, Prof, Department of Photonics Engineering, DTU
• 15:05 Talk #8: Flow Field-Flow Fractionation: A Tool for Liposomal
Size- and Drug Transfer-Analysis
Martin Brandl, Prof, Department of Chemistry, Physics and Pharmacy, University of Southern Denmark, Odense
• 15:35 Talk #9: Design and Delivery of Nanoparticulate Adjuvants
for Subunit Vaccines
Camilla Foged, Assoc Prof, Biologics, Department of Pharmacy, SUND, UCPH
• 16:05 Talk #10: Nanomedicine: Is Targeting our Target?
Gert Storm, Prof, Department of Biomaterials Science and
Technology, University Twente, The Netherlands
• 17:00 Poster Session with Beer and Pretzels
• 17:50 Awarding of Poster Prizes
Marco van de Weert, Assoc Prof, Biologics, Department of Pharmacy, SUND, UCPH
Please register online here
The symposium is organized on behalf of the graduate program in
pharmaceutical sciences, Drug Research Academy, by Prof. Urs Hafeli,
Department of Pharmacy, Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences, University
of Copenhagen. For more info, email
Participation is free of charge and open for attendance by all interested
International Iberian Nanotechnology Laboratory
INL is opening a call of 19 new positions to strengthen its research lines for highly qualified researchers
(4) Senior Staff Researchers
(4) Staff Researchers
(11) Postdoctoral Research Fellows
This call is cofunded by NORTE-45-2015–02 – “Projetos Estruturados de I&D&I”, funded by Norte 2020 – Programa Operacional Regional do Norte.
INL – The International Iberian Nanotechnology Laboratory, was founded under an international legal framework to perform interdisciplinary research and to deploy and articulate nanotechnology for the benefit of society. INL aims to become the world-wide hub for nanotechnology addressing society’s grand challenges with specific emphasis on Aging & Wellbeing, Mobility & Urban Living and a Safe & Secure Society.
The work undertaken by our researchers has a significant impact on people’s lives and societal benefit. The objective is to ensure that staff is employed on the basis of skills and requirements for the job and that there is a mutually beneficial relationship between INL’s expectations and the staff personal and professional career development. INL recruits from all over the world. We find the diversity and multiculturalism of our teams as well as family friendly working practices and benefits to be a great asset and an essential element in cultivating an attractive and inspiring workplace.
Call General Conditions: INL encourages researchers with a distinctive profile at the highest international level in their field of competency to participate and apply to this call.
Employer: International Iberian Nanotechnology Laboratory – INL.
The research programs: The 19 positions are to be allocated into the framework of 3 research programs
• Nanotechnology based functional solutions | Ref.NORTE-01-0145-FEDER-000019
• Advancing cancer research: from basic knowledge to application | Ref. NORTE-01-0145-FEDER-000029
• Frontiers of technology for theranostics of cancer, metabolic and neurodegenerative diseases (FROnTHERA) | Ref. NORTE-01-0145-FEDER-000023
Work Place: International Iberian Nanotechnology Laboratory – INL, Braga, Portugal.
Closing date for applications: For Post-Doctoral Fellows, August 30th 2016, 23:00 (WEST- Western European Summer Time); For Staff Researchers and Consolidated Staff Researchers, September 15th 2016, 23:00 (WEST- Western European Summer Time).
Employment Start Date: Ideally, successful candidates are expected to join the INL by the 4th quarter 2016. Starting date can be negotiated in particular for the Senior Staff Researchers.
Application Procedure: Applications must be formalised online through INL website: , attaching the following documents: a single pdf file containing the candidate’s CV, a statement on research interest (2000-character maximum), list of the 5 most relevant publications, and the contact details of 3 references. Bear in mind that incomplete applications will not be considered for evaluation. The application language is English.
We would like to invite you to participate on the international symposium “CHEMICAL DESIGN – bioMEDICAL APPLICATIONS” held by the Collaborative Research Center CRC 1066 during September 15-16, 2016 in Mainz (Germany). This symposium will focus on the interplay of nanomaterials and the immune system.
The topics will include (1) Chemical Engineering of Novel Nanotherapeutics, (2) Imaging of Immune Processes, (3) Elimination of Immune Tolerance, (4) Activation of the Immune System, (5) Translation in Immunology & Oncology and (6) Interactions with Plasma Proteins.
On these topics, we will have 9 invited talks plus talks from CRC 1066-members presenting their proceedings. A poster session and conference dinner will foster discussions in an informal atmosphere.
Deadline for online registration and poster abstract submission: August 15, 2016.
Detailed information on e.g. invited speakers, venue and registration. Click here.
We are looking forward to welcoming you in Mainz!
With best regards,
Prof. Rudolf Zentel (Speaker CRC 1066)
Prof. Katharina Landfester
Prof. Stephan Grabbe
Annual Meeting and Focus Seminar 2016. WELCOME!
Wednesday June 15 — 12:30 – 16:55
DTU Meeting Center, Building 101, Anker Engelunds Vej, Lyngby, CPH.
Meeting room no. 2.
12:30-13:30 Lunch • All
13:30-13:45 Welcome – Introduction • Ulf G Andersson. NanoMed North
13:45-14:15 Presentation I • Anja Boisen, Nanomedicine at DTU. Copenhagen, DTU
14:15-14:45 Presentation II • Robin Thiberg, Erik Lindberg, Malmö Innoscentia. Sensors for gas detection in the food industry.
14:45-15:15 Presentation III • Daniel Aili, Linköping University. Tuning and probing membrane permeability using de novo designed polypeptides – Applications for controlled release and diagnostics.
15:15-15:30 Coffee/Tea, Fruit, K-kage • All
15:30-15:45 Annual Meeting • UGA and all. NanoMed North
15:45-16:15 Presentation IV • Sandra Garcia Gallego, Stockholm, KTH. Dendritic Drug Delivery Systems – Ultimate precision carriers for therapeutic applications.
16:15-16:45 Presentation V • Ivan Mijakovic, Göteborg, Chalmers. Graphene-based coating for antibacterial applications.
16:45-16:55 + Mingling with beer • All
How to reach DTU, click here
NMN meeting is at DTU Meeting Center and there is a large car parking lot in front of it.
When you enter DTU Meeting Center:
1) To the right, there is a number of designated rooms for meetings. Go up the stairs to the 2nd floor, our room is called Møderum 2. There are only a few rooms there, It’s easy to find. The room is booked from 13:30 to 17:30.
2) To the left, there is a reception desk. You can ask for directions if you’re lost.
Download a map showing DTU (PDF)
If you have a promising project in Nanomedicine, don’t miss out the opportunity to apply to the TAB – Nanomedicine Translation Advisory Board until the 8th of May 2016!
The TAB provides you unique, free of charge access to high-level experts, who will advise and guide you to accelerate your project to the market. The TAB wants to help you to make the right strategic choices at the right time, reducing risks and maximizing the chances of success. Please check what current beneficiaries said about the TAB. TESTIMONIALS
Who can apply?
European companies, public and private research groups / individuals working on promising Nanomedicine projects at any stage of development.
Who are the high-level experts?
The TAB experts are coming from the pharma and healthcare industries, including biotech and nanotech entrepreneurs, and former top managers at large corporations. All the experts have a sound track record in translating promising concepts to market success.
What is the process?
Hard selection based on application files
Individual mentoring during live sessions (TAB-In Sessions)
Follow up of selected projects (follow up content depending on specific needs, and until the moment that chances of success exist)
What are the TAB-In Sessions?
The TAB-In Sessions are the entry point for projects selected to benefit from the TAB. They provide beneficiaries the unique opportunity of benefiting from face-to-face meetings to get experts’ initial feedback and recommendations. The TAB-In Sessions should normally take place during relevant larger events or business conferences (e.g. ETPN Annual Event, CLINAM, Bio-Europe). The ongoing Second Call will provide selected projects with access to the TAB-In Sessions to be held on the 28th of June, in Basel (Switzerland). Basel will be The nanomedicine hotspot, hosting other two major events (CLINAM and the Swiss Nanoconvention 2016).
Further information about the TAB can be found at
TAB Press Release (211 KB), click here
Our mailing address is:
Medeon AB, Medeon Science Park
205 12 Malmö
NanoMed Europe 2025 (NME25) – Early-bird registration now open!26 November 2024 - 10:25 am
Conference: Self-assembly in Life and Materials Science – Svenska Kemisamfundet15 October 2024 - 2:43 pm
Webinar (replay): Next Generation LNP Technologies for Extra-Hepatic Nucleic Acid Delivery3 October 2024 - 2:50 pm