This Webinar is in zoom and at the same time in live stream for quality reasons.

During the meeting, you can write your questions that reach the chair of the CLINAM-Debate who passes them to the speakers. (Possibility to stay after the meeting for further oral debate in a zoom room) This Debate is open for up to 400 participants. The participation is free however, registration in order to get the link is mandatory. Please go to the registration contact page on our website.

THE FIRST CLINAM DEBATE (1/2021) July 8, 2021
4 hours 16.15 -20.15 (CEST Time)

Accelerating the RNA- Revolution in Medicine MORE


14 april | 12.00-12.45

Horizon Europe – hur ser prioriteringarna ut för avancerade material?I EU:s ramprogram för forskning 2021-2027 ökar forskningssatsningarna. Genom de tre pelarna excellent forskning, globala utmaningar och konkurrenskraft samt innovativa Europa så ska EU vara i framkant av global forskning och innovation.Avancerade material, som t.ex. nanoteknologi, är en möjliggörare för hållbar utveckling i många delar av samhället. Vad betyder det nya ramprogrammet för utvecklingen och användningen av avancerade material? Detta kommer Lars Montelius, GD för International Iberian Nanotechnology Laboratory (INL), att föreläsa om vid detta webinarium.

Tid: Onsdag 14 april kl. 12.00-12.45
Plats: Webinar, länk till seminariet skickas några dagar innan till anmälda deltagare.
Anmälan: Klicka här för att komma till anmälan

FÖRELÄSARENLars Montelius är förutom sitt uppdrag som GD för INL, professor i nanoteknologi vid Lunds universitet och bl.a. Past President för IUVSTA samt styrelseledamot i de europeiska teknikplattformarna NANOfutures och EUMaT. Han har också startat ett flertal företag inom nanoteknologiområdet. INL är också värd för årets EuroNanoForum. Läs mer på
SAAMsSwedish Association of Advanced Materials (SAAMs) är en förening för idéutbyte mellan akademi, industri och politiska beslutsfattare i Sverige kring avancerade material. Vi arbetar för att avancerade material ska komma till nytta för att stärka utvecklingen i samhället för ökad resurseffektivitet, snabbare läkemedelsutveckling och minskad miljöpåverkan. Läs mer på

Read the latest position paper of the ETPN about Nanomedicine, published in the Journal of Controlled Release!

The ETPN is very proud and happy to share with you today our latest publication in the Journal of Controlled Release : “Delivering the power of nanomedicine to patients today” (Germain, et al.).

This common position paper in open access is the best way to learn more about the real potential of Nanomedicine to concretely change the life of patients worldwide, how nanomedicine is improving therapeutic outcomes, the reality of its current translation to the clinic with some recent great successes in smarter drug delivery, and the action of the ETPN to create the best possible innovation-friendly ecosystem in Europe to mobilize the full community of Nanomedicine, in order to address better and faster complex pharmacological and medical challenges to tackle.

Download your copy of the article

• Nanomedicine unquestionably makes a difference for patients.

• Innovative nanomedicines open perspectives to make a difference outside oncology.

• High need for a harmonized international regulatory framework for nanomedicines

• Nanomedicine is a cross-sectorial and cross-technological solution for healthcare.

Go to website

Invitation; Wednesday 6th of May 2020, 16.00

Place: TBD, possibly digital


§ 1 Opening of the meeting

§ 2 Short update of NMN

§ 3 Election of Board Members
• Re-election (for two years) of Kristian Thulin, Obducat Technologies
• Tomas Rindzevicius, Danish Technical University
• Åsa Sjöholm Timén, Astra Zeneca and
• Ulf G Andersson, Medeon Science Park & Incubator

§ 4 Other matters (if pre-announced by any members)

§ 5 Closing of the meeting

Ulf G Andersson
Chairman NanoMed North
Please register as soon as possible but latest April 29, thank you.

This letter is to formally bring to your kind notice about the speaker opportunity available at the upcoming “16th International Conference and Exhibition on Nanomedicine and Pharmaceutical Nanotechnology” going to be held on May 04- 05, 2020 Amsterdam, Netherlands. In this regard we would be glad to have your research talk at the conference.

NanoPharma 2020 is a specially designed cluster conference. The main theme of the conference is “Challenges and Innovations in Nanomedicine and Pharmaceutical Nanotechnology” which covers wide range of critically important sessions.


All accepted abstracts will be published in the respective Journals.
Each abstract will receive a DOI provided by Cross Ref.
Special privileges on group registrations.
Chance of B2B meeting
Opportunity to organize a Workshop/Symposia and many more.

For more details of the conference:

We look forward to towards the confirmation of your participation by sending your abstract as per the attached template for committee review.


This course is given for postgraduate students (PhD students) at Lund University, but is also offered for external participants as commissioned education.

The aim of the course is to mediate knowledge of safe manufacturing and handling of engineered nanoparticles and of nanomaterials i.e. materials containing nano-particles, in the perspective of human health and of environment. Aspects such as safety important particle characteristics, exposure- and emission assessment, nano toxicology, precautionary principle, safe-by-design, human-technology interaction, risk assessment, risk management, risk communication, life cycle analysis, legisla-tion, and ethical aspects will be covered.

To promote network building and enable knowledge exchange, the course is open for both PhD students and representatives from industrial and governmental sectors.

Particle properties (size, shape, aspect-ratio, solubility, chemical composition), lung deposition and clearance, emissions, exposure, toxicity, risk management, human-technology interaction, biomarkers, engineering controls and personal protection, risk- and safety communication, food chain transport, life cycle analyses, ethical aspects, and legislation.

Associate senior lecturer Christina Isaxon, course coordinator
Schedule with all lectures TBA


Admission requirements:
No formal requirements for represen-tatives from industry and legislation.

Course dates and location:
The course is given during two weeks, on April 21-24 and June 8-11, 2020.

Number of participants
Maximum 10 external particpants

Course fee
SEK 21.000 excluding VAT.

For course content please contact:
Other questions:


Dear Colleague,
Less than one month to prepare and submit your abstract for oral and poster presentations at the Nano Singapore 2020, Nanoscience and Nanotechnology International Conference and Exhibition to be held from 20 to 22 April 2020 at the Suntec Convention and Exhibition Centre, Singapore.
It’s expected the event gathers local and international participants/visitors to discuss the latest trends and discoveries in nanoscience and nanotechnology from some of the world´s leading players and meet with the nano community.

Present your research – submit your abstract by 19 December 2019
Oral and poster abstracts are invited on the conference themes/topics and should be submitted before the 19 December 2019.

Submit your abstract before 19 December 2019

Click here to see the event program at a glance

NanoMetrology 2020 International Conference and Exhibition

24-26 June, 2020, Paris, France

The 6th edition of the NanoMetrology international conference and exhibition – NanoMetrology 2020 will be held from 24 to 26 June 2020 in Paris, France, jointly to Nanotech France 2020 and NanoMatEn 2020.

NanoMetrology 2020 is an ideal platform for new collaborations and fresh ideas: connecting physicists, chemists, materials scientists, and engineers form academia and industry to present, share, and divulge new methods, techniques and instrumentations, for metrology and characterization of nanomaterials, nanosystems, and nanodevices at the nanometer scale.

Don’t miss the opportunity to be part of this exciting event and submit your abstracts now for more than 250 oral presentations and large poster sessions within – NanoMetrology 2020 following sessions and topics:

  • Characterisation at the nanoscale
  • Methodologies for the quantitative characterization of physical and chemical parameters of nanomaterials (AFM, STM, SEM, TEM, Mass spectrometry, etc)
  • Extension and standardization of characterization Methodologies at the nanometer scale (engineered nanoparticles, nanobiotechnologies, nanoelectronics, thin films/nanocoatings, etc)
  • Definition and realization of standards for nanometer scale characterizations (reference materials, measurement standards, etc)
  • Divulgation of good laboratory practice and traceability in nanoscale metrology
  • Modelling and simulations at the nanoscale
  • Nanosafety/ Nanotoxicity; Sustainable nanomanufacturing; Environmental Metrology, Biomedical/phamaceutical (Eco-toxicological, Clinical) Metrology, Food Metrology, etc
  • Society and regulation issues

Abstracts submission is open till Friday 17 January 2020

First keynote speakers announced
A topical and comprehensive programme will bring together more than 40 expert speakers to give plenary and keynote lectures, invited and featured talks. To date confirmed keynote speakers include:
  • Prof. Olivier Thomas, Aix-Marseille University, France
  • Prof. Elvira Fortunato, New University of Lisbon, Portugal
  • Prof. Luís Dias Carlos, University of Aveiro, Portugal
  • Prof. Rodrigo Ferrão de Paiva Martins, Nova University of Lisbon, Portugal
  • Prof. Qingze Zou, The State University of New Jersey, USA
  • Dr. Lionel Cervera Gontard, University of Cadiz, Spain
  • Dr. Maria Losurdo, Institute of Nanotechnology, CNR-NANOTEC, Italy

More speakers will be announced soon.

Industrial session
Companies and institutions are offered the opportunity to present a talk showing their technologies/ products within an Industrial session. Company representatives are welcome to submit their abstracts.

Exhibition and sponsorship opportunities
Companies and Institutions are invited to book their booth to be part of thisinternational exhibition. We strongly advise you to pre-book to ensure you will get your booth and get the best location. For more details about the exhibition and sponsorship packages, send us an email.

We welcome your participation and look forward to receiving your abstract and meeting you in Paris next June 2020.